Why I am studying journalism :)

Sara Hendawi
2 min readFeb 16, 2019


I grew up in a family that consists of doctors and engineers only; but despite that they always followed the news, read the newspaper daily and always believed in its importance. My dad who is a doctor, always encouraged me to write and read from an early age, he even always supported me in learning new languages. And he never ever made me feel like i was forced to study something I don’t like; for example medicine , which is his field of study.
Later in life my love for reading increased during middle school and high school. It all started when i was learning in school about world war 1 and world war 2, I was amazed by hitler and by how the entire world was upside down. I always felt like it would be great to write something and it gets documented in history just like the world war. Also at that time it was the phase were the Arab countries were going through a hard time, I was telling myself why cant I become a journalist specifically a reporter to report whats happening in our countries and tell the entire world the real story. I also started following up Bassem Youssef. An American Egyptian satire. My love for his show made me realize that I wanted to pursue what he was doing. Another important reason for why I am studying journalism, was because of a Korean series called “Pinocchio” in this drama it mainly shows how a family’s entire life was screwed and how some of the family members committed suicide because of fake news that destroyed their image. At that moment I realized the big responsibility of relying news and how one small lie can lead to death and destruction of an innocent life.
Then I thought to myself maybe I should study Media (Journalism). But I was not brave enough to apply to college as a media student. First I applied as an engineer and I stayed there for a year. After a couple of months, my father realized how unhappy I was and he suggested that I study what I love. then he supported me to immediately change my major.
And here I am learning journalism to continue my dream.

Pinocchio (Left) & Bassem Youssef (Right)

