News Blog About Health

Sara Hendawi
2 min readApr 6, 2019

A new Study shows that when you do not apply SPF to your eyelids it can increase the risk of getting skin cancer.

Moisturizers with SPF’s are not intended to replace sunscreen for people who spend a long period of time outdoors during summer; because the SPF in the moisturizers are only 30–50 approximately. Researchers had an experiment with people who apply both and found out that 17% of the face was missed with SPF moisturizer while 11% only with sunscreen. They also found that the area around the eyelid had a 21% lower coverage with moisturizers and 14% with sunscreen.

According to BBC news; Holly Barber, from the British Association of Dermatologists, said “the formulas in SPF moisturizers were less likely to be rub-resistant and water-resistant if applied more thinly.”

SPF facial moisturizers can be effective in blocking the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays, but only if applied correctly. Researchers found we are scrimping on sun protection around the eyelids when we’re using SPF moisturizer. But unfortunately this region is where the skin is thinner and more vulnerable to burning.

According to Yahoo “The eyelid skin is very thin and this puts it at risk of UV damage,” explained Austin McCormick, study author and consultant ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon, from Aintree University Hospital Trust.

The problem is not related with the weather if it is hot or cold, it is all about the UV index that can damage our skin. Although this is generally higher on cloudless, hot days than on cloudy, cool days, you should not rely on temperature alone as a guide to the need for sun protection.

Misapplication of sunscreen

